true colors

true colors

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Raining LOVE

Rainy Season just started, my first college vacations started and I’m SO relaxed. Just watching the rain fall, hearing its relaxing tone… Yes I can do this for a whole week. But it’s funny how sometimes we prefer to do nothing at another place rather than home. Home can become boring after repeating a dull routine. Wake up, breakfast, get ready, class, back home, Facebook, O MY GOD I need to run away from here and just escape reality. Luckily, that’s why I’m leaving for eleven days. Exactly what I needed. I’m so curious of knowing all the elements that drag you back home. You may be in the coolest place ever, but nothing compares to home. I know I’ll want to come home to my cozy bed after a while. It’s so contradictive.

Watching the rain fall while I sit in the kitchen table, knowing that tomorrow at 7am I’ll be on a plane ESCAPING reality, and that this weekend I’ll be feeling the warm sun and writing on my new Mac?… it’s so REFRESHING. Knowing that maybe I might have my American Dream come true, knowing I’m going to come back and have everything my way once again. HAPPINESS, HOPE, being true to myself: my key out of everything. My life is in God’s hands, and I hope to come back and see my lovely family once again.

Thank God I can have these reality escapades. Thank God I have a wonderful family that is lying in their beds hearing the rainfall, being completely non-preoccupied for whatever tomorrow brings. Waiting hopefully for me to come home once again. In my life, It rains hope, happiness, truth, and what I most like that falls from the sky… LOVE

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A True Friendship Isn't Being Inseparable, Its Being Separated And Nothing Changes

My best friend got accepted in Saint Thomas University in Canada. I'm so happy for her, her dream came true:)
Obviously were all sad cause she's leaving. As someone who's very smart said: its not who's know you longer, its who knows you better. It happens that she's the one who knows me better, the one who just shuts up and listens, the one who walked in when the rest walked out.
I've now noticed she's not only an amazing woman with great strength and great attitude, but she's also a simple girl who wants to conquer the world, but will not do it if her most loved ones are not by her side. She's a free soul who wants to laugh at everything cause she knows she's better than all that
She's simplicity, she's fashion. she's strong, she's beautiful. she's smart, she's my best friend. She makes my world spin in a second and she's just THERE for me in all my ups and downs. She listens to my secrets as I listen to hers. I may not be there for her 24/7, but I sure make my best to be there 25/8.
Once again we realize how much someone can be in your life in so little time. It's been like two years since we've known each other and I can sure say I know her.
Mai, I want to let you know that I love you, that I'm so happy you've come through everything so that you are the perfect person you are now. I know you are not perfect, but for me you are.
Its funny how sometimes I don't understand what and why you're doing what you're doing, but when you come and open that mouth and tell me whats going on, somehow, I understand everything you say and do.
I LOVE YOU Mai, thanks for giving me wings and letting me fly. Have a great trip to STU♥
We will all be waiting for you down here.


It’s funny how we ALL sometimes want to mute someone or someones. The squeaky voice that tells us to clean up our rooms, the one who gets mad if you don’t wash the dishes or the voice which just screams at you because precisely YOUR ears are the only ones who are close enough to listen. But it’s a weird life we live in and we’re all so full of it. It can be a parent, a sibling, a friend, a love relationship, a sex relationship, a boss, a teacher, or someone who you have no idea why he/she is screaming at you. ANNOYING. No one wants to be yelled at, and much less if they know that the other person is so upset at you they have to SCREAM. I hate being screamed at. Its annoying and it makes me SO mad. Ugh. Why can’t you just CALM DOWN and then try to find answers? Problem solved by talking in a PEACEFUL way. That’s why im not getting strange diseases caused by stress. LIVE EASY and you will prosper :)